Miloš Ćemalović portfolio

Hello! I am a Web Developer

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Work Experience

2022 EY
02/2022 - Current
Associate Engineer - Applications Consultant
SDLC / React / TypeScript / JavaScript / Redux toolkit / Material UI / Jest / Testing library / React Hook Form / CSS3 / HTML5 / Jira / Git
2020 Intelligent Betting Software
11/2020 - 08/2021
Junior Front-End developer
SDLC / Angular / TypeScript / REST API / PrimeNG / Angular Material / SASS / CSS3 / HTML5 / Redmine / Transloco i18n / Git
2019 Web Design Agency Studio 77
04/2019 – 07/2019
Web Design intership
SEO / HTML5 / CSS3 / CSS Grid / CSS Flexbox / SASS
2013 Naturally Dance
05/2013 - Current
Founder - Owner
Dance teacher / International and local event organization / Public relations / Marketing activities

Junior Skills

Scrum methodology
Material UI
Testing library
React Hook Form
Angular Material
DRY principle
BEM methodology
Transloco i18n

Web Design & PHP

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Way of progress


As a dedicated junior web developer, I immersed myself in the exciting world of frontend development with new technologies merged with already familiar:

- Building Frontend Components: I crafted elegant and functional UI components, ensuring seamless user experiences.
- Collaboration and Responsibility: Before each code push, I meticulously ran unit tests, updated snapshots, and ensured linting compliance. My teamwork spanned Product Management, Scrum Masters, Business Analysts, UI/UX Designers, Developers, and Quality Engineers.
- React / TypeScript / JavaScript: My toolkit for crafting dynamic interfaces.
- Jest and Testing Library: Ensuring code quality through rigorous testing.
- CSS3 / HTML5: Crafting pixel-perfect designs.
- Jira / Git / SDLC: Navigating project management, version control, and software development life cycle.
- Debugging with Redux and React Plugins: I fearlessly delved into the intricacies of Redux and React, squashing bugs and optimizing performance.
- Kibana and Jenkins logs, Network and Source tabs: I navigated the debugging landscape, leveraging Kibana logs and exploring network and source details.
- Unit Testing with Jest and Testing Library: I meticulously tested my code, ensuring reliability and robustness.
- Storybook and Material UI: I used Storybook to visualize and fine-tune individual components, all based on the sleek Material UI design.
- Committed to delivering high-quality, well-designed, testable, and scalable code by adhering to clean code principles.


As an innovative IT developer, I’ve successfully deployed an in-house platform, leveraging cutting-edge technologies to create dynamic, responsive, and localized web applications. Here’s a breakdown of my accomplishments:

- Angular: Crafting robust frontend solutions.
- TypeScript: Ensuring clean, maintainable code.
- REST API: Seamlessly integrating APIs.
- PrimeNG and Angular Material: Designing stunning UI components.
- SASS, CSS3, and HTML5: Creating visually appealing interfaces.
- Transloco i18n: Providing seamless translations for diverse audiences.
- Git with Redmine: Efficiently managing projects.
- Passion and Expertise: My passion lies in turning ideas into reality. With meticulous attention to detail, I ensure that every project I touch becomes a resounding success.
- Clean Code Principles: I adhere to clean code practices, emphasizing readability, maintainability, and simplicity. My codebase is a testament to well-organized, self-explanatory code. I follow naming conventions, use meaningful variable names, and keep functions concise. My goal is to create code that not only works but is also a pleasure to read and maintain.
- DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) Principle: I avoid redundancy by encapsulating common functionality into reusable components or functions. Whether it’s extracting utility methods or creating shared modules, I ensure that repetition is minimized.
- BEM (Block Element Modifier) Methodology: When styling UI components, I embrace BEM—a structured approach that promotes consistency and scalability. I organize CSS classes into blocks, elements, and modifiers, making it easier to manage styles across the application.
- My passion lies in transforming ideas into reality, and my expertise ensures that every line of code contributes to a robust, maintainable solution.
- Front-End Design Skills: My top-notch design skills enhance user experiences, making interfaces both visually appealing and accessible.


As a versatile developer, I’ve delved into the exciting realms of responsive web design and PHP with this Technology Stack:

Responsive Web Design: I’ve honed my skills in creating interfaces that adapt seamlessly across devices, ensuring optimal user experiences.
- SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle): I’ve navigated the entire development process, from requirements gathering to deployment, ensuring efficient and well-organized projects.
- Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): My codebase reflects the principles of OOP, emphasizing modularity, encapsulation, and reusability.
- DRY Principle (Don’t Repeat Yourself): I’m committed to minimizing redundancy by creating reusable components and functions. Every piece of knowledge has a single authoritative representation within my codebase.
- BEM Methodology (Block Element Modifier): When styling, I adhere to BEM—a structured approach that promotes consistency and scalability.
- SEO Mastery: Guided by experts, I learned the intricacies of SEO—how to optimize content, improve rankings, and drive organic traffic.
- SASS: My stylesheets are organized and maintainable, thanks to SASS’s powerful features.
- SVG (Sprite): I’ve harnessed SVG sprites for efficient icon management.
- CSS Grid and Flexbox: I wield these layout techniques to create flexible, responsive designs.
- Intersection Observer: I’ve used this API to trigger actions based on element visibility.
- HTML5: My markup adheres to modern standards, ensuring semantic and accessible content.
- PHP: I’ve built dynamic server-side applications, leveraging PHP’s versatility.
- MVC Architecture: I organize code into models, views, and controllers for maintainable projects.
- phpMyAdmin and MySQL Database: I’ve managed databases, ensuring data integrity and efficient queries.


Meet the Maestro of Rhythm: Founder and Dance Enthusiast

🎶 Dance Teacher Extraordinaire: With a passion that ignites dance floors, I’ve taught countless students the art of movement. From Cha-cha to Kizomba, my classes pulse with energy.
🌎 Global Grooves: My love for dance transcends borders. I’ve orchestrated international and local events, uniting dancers from diverse cultures. Whether it’s a Ballroom or a Salsa, I’m there, orchestrating the magic.
📢 PR Dynamo: Public relations is my secret weapon. I’ve spun dance stories into headlines, filling venues with eager souls.
🎉 Marketing Maven: The dance school’s heartbeat? My marketing campaigns. From captivating social media posts to flash mobs, I’ve spread the rhythm far and wide.
🎧 DJ by Night: When the sun sets, I slip into my alter ego—the beat-weaver behind the decks. Dance parties come alive under my curated mixes. The crowd? They’re my canvas, moving to my sonic brushstrokes.
🌟 Belgrade Disco Fever: Ah, the crown jewel! Beogradska Disko Žurka — where disco dreams ignite. A thousand souls groove as one, transcending generations, nationalities, and beliefs. It’s more than a party; it’s a cosmic dance communion.
🚀 The Dance Odyssey Continues: From dimly lit clubs to grand stages, my journey pulses on. The rhythm? It’s my compass, guiding me through life’s twists and turns.


Table tennis


I am a web developer always ready to apply my knowledge and skills for continuous improvement. Having run my own business and working in a big corporation, I have been associated with clients of various backgrounds, nationalities and needs. Generating my creative tools, I have developed and strengthened abilities of proactive and assertive approach to projects from the idea, through goals development, target groups to the implementation and end-users. Love to work in big teams! I'm bringing:

✔Excellent communication and collaboration skills
✔Spoken and written English knowledge
✔Positive, detail and service-oriented personality
✔Experience in SDLC within the Scrum Agile framework in close collaboration with Product Management, Scrum Masters, Business Analysts, UI/UX Designers, Developers and QEs
✔Experience with collaboration tools such as Jira, Confluence and Redmine
✔Experience in leading Daily Stand-ups in absence of Scrum Master
✔Experience with Trunk based development
✔Experience with React, TypeScript, JavaScript, Redux, React Hook Form, Unit testing (Jest & Testing library), OOP, Angular, RESTful services, SASS, HTML5, CSS3, SEO, PHP, MySQL, SVG (sprite)
✔Well designed, testable, and scalable code by clean code principles
✔Passion for DRY principle & BEM methodology
✔Experience working in a remote team
✔Experience with Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
✔Experience with Git
✔Experience with reading Kibana and Jenkins logs
✔Experience with Material UI, Angular Material & Prime NG UI libraries
✔Experience with Transloco i18n
✔Experience managing event planning with teams of similar business profiles in the realization of joint projects
✔Experience with digital and social network marketing
✔Experience in mentoring others
✔Experience in developing responsive and mobile-friendly websites
✔Passion for learning new skills and technologies